Oh, the Settings page - where the magic is brewed! This is where you get to customize Linksy to your heart's content and make it work like a dream across your website.

The Settings page on Linksy lets you customize how the plugin should work across your website.

Before using the plugin, we recommend taking the time to set up the plugin's settings to ensure it suits your needs and preferences. After all, you don't want to leave this amazing tool to work with default settings, right?

So, what are you waiting for? Let's get tweaking and make Linksy work its magic!

There are three tabs on the Settings page: General Settings, Post Settings, and Licensing.

1. General Settings Tab

This tab contains four sections, namely Link Tags, Link Limits, Categories and Tags, and Pages Limit. The settings in these sections apply to all pages on your website. Here's what you can do in each section:

  • Link Tags: This section lets you set attributes for the links created by the plugin across your site.
  • Link Limits: This section allows you to set limits for the number of links created by the plugin on all pages of your site.
  • Categories and Post Types: This section lets you set limits for how categories and post types are used across your site.

Categories to be Ignored for Suggestions:

Set a limit to what categories you want Linksy to use for suggestions. Posts from the categories you add here will not get suggestions from and to other posts.

Post Types to Sync:

Choose the Post types to sync for suggestions. Whenever you make any change to this setting, endeavour to use the "Resync" button on the dashboard page to add the content of the new post types.

Categories to be Ignored for Suggestions:

  • Pages Limit: This section allows you to set additional options for pages on your site, such as which pages to ignore and how to present ignored pages in reports.

2. Post Settings Tab

This tab allows you to save custom settings for individual posts.

This is useful when you want to set a one-way limit for a specific post, as opposed to the two-way limit in the Pages Limit section of the General Settings tab.

You can use the search box to find a specific post to apply the settings to, or you can use the Settings tab on the Linksy Widget on the post edit screen.

3. Licensing Tab

This tab shows the status of your license key. If you don't have an active license, you won't be able to use the plugin.

If your license has expired, you will see this information on the page. If you have purchased the plugin but do not have an active license, you can add one on this tab.

That's it! By configuring the settings in the three tabs, you can customize the Linksy plugin to work just the way you want it to on your website.