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In this video, I will walk you through the entire process of using the Linksy plugin to add links to your posts on the three main pages: 'Add Inbound Links', 'Add Outbound Links', and the 'Post Edit Screen'.

Below is the transcript of the Video.

Now that you've set up Linksy, you can't wait to have your posts linked.

First things first.

The crawling process done on the setup page sends your posts to our server for processing.

The progress can be seen on the Dashboard page.

Posts move from Unsuggestable, to Unencoded, to Encoded, and finally to Suggestable. The Suggestable status is the target for every post, as posts in this bracket can send out and receive links from other posts.

Any posts left under the Unsuggestable status will not have suggestions to and from other posts.

The encoding process time depends on the number of published posts on your site.

While this process is going on, you will be able to use focus keywords to link your posts, regardless of their encoding status.

Before we see one of the unencoded posts and try the focus keyword linking option, let's talk a little about the dashboard.

The dashboard displays a sneak peek of some of the features, from Link Stats to Anchor Cloud, to Domains Report, and Keywords Rating. You can use the button on each of them to get to their respective page.

Now, let's see one of the unencoded posts and try the focus keyword linking option.

I'm choosing this post for the demo.

Here is the index page of the "Add Inbound Links" feature, one of the main pages where linking happen. You can choose from the suggestions presented or search for a post of your choice.

I will be searching for our demo post and clicking it to load the main Add Inbound Links page.

Here we are.

On the Add Inbound Links page, you're able to add links from other pages and posts to the post on the sidebar.

The table here displays a list of post titles with their suggestions and ratings.

The header part has the filter with plenty of options to choose from. You will be able to combine the filters as you like. The More button houses some extra features, most notably the Lock toggle to lock in the filter. Once the filter is locked in, the page loads with all the set filters.

To your right are the Search button to search for the next post to send inbound links to, and the Previous and Next buttons to load the previous or next post in the list.

On the title card is the Custom Keyword button to generate custom keywords, the AI Keyword Generator to generate keywords with AI, and the Autolinking button to auto-link keywords from this page.

Directly under the title card is the suggestions summary. It shows a summary of the suggestions in the table.

As you can see, there is only one suggestion from the focus keyword of the post since the post has not been encoded.

You can add more focus keywords to get more suggestions. I'm adding this.

The focus keyword suggestions section loads more entries for the keyword I just added, and I can go ahead and add a few of them for linking.

Checking the dashboard, I can see many of the posts have now been encoded and are Suggestable. Now let's reload our demo page to see suggestions other than the focus keywords.

Here you are.

You can select more from the list or use the Quick Apply button to add the best ones.

The Quick Apply button is inactive by default. To use it, set your desired number. I will leave it at 3. Then toggle the activate button. Now the Quick Apply button works.

Clicking the button adds the three best suggestions on the list.

As you add the links, you can see them on the title card where you can view, edit the source posts, or delete any of the links.

Before I forget, the filter options on the table can be handy when you need to filter suggestions from the list. You can filter by keywords, filter by title, or search any keyword sitewide. The sitewide keyword search option is a close replica of the focus keyword suggestions.

Let's talk about the Add Outbound Links.

The Add Outbound Links feature sends links from a post to other posts on the site, unlike the Add Inbound Links.

The Outbound Links page is similar to the post edit screen but without distractions and unforeseen conflicts. It's faster for a single post and also provides navigation buttons to load the next post quickly.

The filter options are the same for both the Add Inbound Links and Add Outbound Links pages.

The one distinct difference is the suggestion entries. There's a single suggestion with one or more titles.

There are more functions here that are also available on the Add Inbound Links page.

When you hover over a suggestion, you will be able to edit it. Let's do it.

You can report the keyword from the suggestion if it's inaccurate. This helps us build a better system.

You can add it to the list of keywords to stop suggesting. Once you add this, the keyword will no longer appear as a suggestion.

Most importantly, you can highlight a different portion of the suggestion to be your new keyword instead of the system-suggested one.

Let's add some links.

Shall we go to the Post Edit Screen?

A couple of options appear as you hover over the title. The Link-in takes us to the Add Inbound Links for the post, the Rewriter takes us to the Rewriter page, the Edit takes us to the post edit screen, while View loads the post for viewing.

Let's click this to get to the Post Edit Screen.

For most people, the Linksy widget appears on the sidebar.

You're at liberty to move it wherever you wish on the sidebar. You can fully drag it down the post.

The widget has the Suggestions tab with all the suggestions in one place, like the other two pages.

The Filter tab restricts the suggestions with the available options.

The Info tab shows the link stats, keywords, and action buttons.

And finally, the Settings tab. Whatever makes you happy, do.

Let's add a few links too?

The widget is the same on the Block editor, with all the tabs in place.

And that's all there is for the basics of adding links.

There are more videos on Playground, Link Reporting, Anchor Cloud, Keywords Rating, Search and Replace, Auto-linking, the Linksy Pilot Addon, and all its features.

Thank you for watching.